Tim Ferriss

Project Thor: The Slow-Carb Diet

Slow Carb

So here is the diet plan for Project Thor which is based upon the slow-carb diet from Tim Ferriss' book (see previous post).

Luckily most of this is available online for free so I can post the rules this time :)

Slow Carb


  1. Avoid 'white' carbohydrates - any carb that is white or can be white (e.g. brown rice is still bad)

  2. Eat the same few meals over and over again mixing at least one item form the three groups: protein, legumes, vegetables.

  3. Don't drink calories

  4. Take one day off a week

There are some other additions to these rules covered in the book and online (see links below).

My Changes

One of the additional rules in the book is allowing you to eat carbs within two hours of  exercise so I've been using that rule when going to the gym. I'm also taking the 'cheat day' and spreading it out across the week as this helps my lack of self control :)


Tim Ferriss' blog post on the Slow-Carb diet: http://www.fourhourworkweek.com/blog/2007/04/06/how-to-lose-20-lbs-of-fat-in-30-days-without-doing-any-exercise/

Diet reference (tells you whether a food is allowed): http://www.eslowcarbdiet.com/

Tom out!

Project Thor: Exercise Plan

So what's the plan regarding the weight loss for Project Thor? I hear you all cry.

The 4-hour Body

Well it's a two part exercise plan and a diet plan (in a future post).

So the plan is:

  1. HIIT

  2. 4-hour Workout Plan

Part the First: HIIT

HIIT stands for High-Intensity Interval Training (more here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-intensity_interval_training). I'm going to fulfill this part of my exercise plan via running. Unlike the marathon however these sessions are short (~20 mins) with a warm-up followed by 20 second bursts of sprinting interspersed with 10 second jogging sections. Feel free to laugh at my first attempt here: http://runkeeper.com/user/tomw2005/activity/107815470?&mobile=false

Part the Second: 4-Hour Body

There is a book I used last year to lose 2 stone. It is called the 4-hour body and is written by Tim Ferris. Previously I used the diet part of the book (discussed in the next post). This time I plan to use the 4-hour workout plan (so called because you have 8 half-hour sessions per month) as well. However I'm pretty sure there must be some law preventing me from posting all the ideas from the book here so I'll just leave the Amazon link and his blog link here: Book & Blog

Tom out!