So my friend Neil is getting married in less than three weeks and in aid of this a group of Warwick Airsoc members went on a private weekend shoot at The Grange and RAF Honiley. So what better chance to review these sites and to mention some of the cool stuff I got up to on my weekend?The Grange
For many members (and ex-members such as myself) of Warwick Airsoc this is our home site and has a fondness in our hearts as one of the first sites we airsofted at. In brief this is an excellent, small, woodland site that is easily accessible to anyone in the Midlands.
So how about a fuller tour? The site features two large fields separated by a trench and extensive bushes (perfect for sneaking around in but quite muddy). There are several crossing points including The Compound in the middle of the site which usually ends up being the location for some heated fire-fights. On the far side of the site there is Little Chuffington a village that is invariably used for a pistol-only game to end the day. Nearer to the safe-zone is the difficult to assault location of Bunker Hill which is a perfect location to set-up your sniper rifle or M249.
The Grange - from the top
Hunkering down at the Grange
The site also features a safe-zone with toilets and showers (yes, you can camp here for a weekend of airsoft!) and a nice shooting range with targets where you will find yourself chrono-ing before a day of shooting.
The Shooting Range
There is also a well stocked shop which features Gunmunki's custom guns which are truly awesome.
RAF Honiley
I was new to Honiley and it lived up to the hype. In brief this is a small, CQB/woodland site which is a whole lot of fun.
The site has a central complex with smaller buildings surrounding it and ample locations to devise a good ambush. The main building features a large 'Stargate' room and several control rooms and corridors which can become bottlenecks when the other team gets dug-in (memo to self: buy grenades!).
Inside Honiley
The Weekend's Games
This weekend featured a variety of great games including Compound Football, Zombies!, Bag Tag (c.f. TimeSplitters 2), Army of Two and Towers (an old favourite).
Zombies and Bag Tag were amazing fun and helped change the dynamic of the day ensuring we kept on having fun. The marshalling was great as usual too.
The site is awesome - go visit!
Tom Out!
P.S. This was meant to be posted aaages ago. Go visit the site!
P.P.S. The majority of the photos in this post were taken by the site marshals - thanks to them for the photos and obviously the photographs are copyright them :)