In which I modify an old family recipe to be vegan friendly...
After successfully turning my hand to vegan Christmas cake I thought it was high time I adapted my old Christmas pudding recipe to be vegan too.
In which I get ready for Dawi to return to The Old World...
With The Old World bringing back two of my white whales from my childhood in the form of Bretonnians and Dwarfs I’ve had a lot of fun projects this year. I wanted to do a slightly different Dwarf scheme than the old green and gold I remember seeing in White Dwarf as a kid and settled on the old Zhufbar livery of white and light blue. It makes for a striking force on the table top and is relatively speedy to paint up as detailed below!
In which I finally start delivering on the promised painting guides...
I have been sat on a fully constructed Battle of Pelennor Fields box for just about a year after purchasing it as a Christmas present to myself at the tail end of 2021. Having signed up to a few "slay the grey" style challenges in the New Year I thought it was time to start with a nice easy paint job.
In which I modify an old family recipe to be vegan friendly...
After successfully turning my hand to vegan Christmas cake I thought it was high time I adapted my old Christmas pudding recipe to be vegan too.
In which I discuss getting the dominant colour from an image quickly...
I have recently made a Discord bot that searches for online versions of board games to help people find games to play remotely. This link will add it to your server.
Discord embeds have a colour bar down the side that can be manually set. I thought it would be cool to have this display the 'average' (i.e. dominant) colour of the board game box and decided to investigate the best way to do it.
In which I plan my holiday tasks…
So it may just be because it is 2020 or perhaps I'm just a bit lazy but I’ve found that I often start holiday breaks with a list of things I’d like to do and by the end of the trip* I’ve not achieved most of them. Whether it’s odd jobs or relaxing activities I wanted to get through I just accidental sit around and don’t do them. This holiday season I decided I needed a to do list and though I’d try out the new Todoist Boards feature.
*Or, let’s be real this year: sitting on the sofa at home.
In which I modify an old family recipe to be vegan friendly...
After successfully turning my hand to vegan Christmas cake I thought it was high time I adapted my old Christmas pudding recipe to be vegan too.
Those puddings in full...
Enjoy the glorious pudding party pictures!
See my earlier post for the recipe for Bruce Bogtrotter's Cake :)
Tom Out!
In which stir-up Sunday comes early and on the wrong day of the week...
Although I realise stir-up Sunday is later than this week (and that I made these on a Monday night), it is always good to make your puddings early so that you can top them up with lots of of brandy (feeding the pudding.) Also I always used to make Christmas puddings on Remembrance Day with my school choir.
My mum has always made the best Christmas pudding (as far as i'm concerned) and here is the recipe. This recipe is designed for a Slow cooker.
Apologies to members of CAOS expecting a recipe for tonight's cake but the recipe for mincemeat tart is:
Obtain mincemeat and pastry.
Place pastry in dish.
Fill with mincemeat.
UPDATE: Mincemeat tarts came out like this :)
Mincemeat Tart
50g plain flour
pinch of salt
2 teaspoons mixed spice
100g currants
100g sultanas
100g raisins
100g mixed peel
100g shredded suet
100g soft brown sugar
100g fine white breadcrumbs
50g chopped blanched almonds*
grated rind of 1 lemon
2 eggs, beaten
2x15ml spoons black treacle
1x15ml spoon brandy
a little stout/ale or milk for mixing†
*The nuts are really important, it's what makes this pudding that bit better than anyone elses :P
†I change the stout every year, this year I went for Marston's Oyster Stout
Sieve together flour, salt and spice, add all dry ingredients and mix well.
Add eggs, brandy and treacle with enough liquid to make a soft clinging mixture.
Divide between 2 greased basins, leaving about 1 cm headspace.
Cover with a double thickness of greased greaseproof paper or tinfoil.
Put basins in a slow cooker and pour 1 pint of hot water around them.
Heat on high for 1 hour then low for 12 hours or alternatively on high for 7 hours.
To reheat: heat on high for 3 hours.
In the slowcooker
Almost done!
It's double recipe week this week as on Thursday there is the World Famous ManSSAGO Pudding Party!* Stay tuned on Thursday for the desserts and the recipe!
*May not be actually famous worldwide!
Tom Out!